1. Types of joints and interconnection for ductile iron pipe & fittings
Flanged joints: Confirms to the following standards ISO 7005-2 EN 1092-2 ISO 4633. Other standards are optional.
Flexible joints: TYTON JOINT (push-on joint), MECHANICAL JOINT (K- type) and other joints with gaskets or elastomer can be selected to fulfill the performance requirements for joints Materials in contact with potable water, sewerage or other usages confirm to concerned technical requirements.
2. Standard thickness of ductile iron pipes and fittings
The standards thickness of pipes and fittings is calculated as a function of the nominalized by the formula:
E = K ( 0.5 + 0.001 DN )
E-standard thickness, mm
DN—-the nominal size
K—- the coefficient selected from a series of whole number—-8,9,10,12,14—
K=9 for the pipes
K=12 for the fittings
K=14 for the fitting with branch
Special notes: the min. thickness of all pipes ang fittings is less than 7.0mm.
3. Marking for ductile iron pipe & fittings
Each pipe, fitting or accessory shall bear at least the following indications:
The mark of manufacturer, DF besides mark as specified:
Ductile iron indications, DI
Nominal size, DN100 or DN100×80 or DN100×90°
Pressure rate, PN10, PN16, PN25, PN40
Standard thickness, K9, K12, K14
The reference to standard
Manufactured date or serial numbers.
All marks shall be cast or printed according to reasonable method or clients requirements.